Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - U.S.

When I was young, Election Day was a special day in our house. My parents never discussed politics much around me and my sister, but they always let us know it was voting day. They'd usually vote in the evening after work. I remember watching them leave the house to walk the 3 blocks to my elementary school where they would vote. They would hold hands as they headed out the door to vote together. As a result, I always saw voting as a civic duty, but more importantly, as something pleasurable to do. Their attitude as they headed off to vote was never one that said, "What a chore," or "Now we have to pick the least offensive of two terrible candidates." My parents weren't political activists either. They were average Americans exercising their right to vote. I grew up believing that it is worth your time to vote; I grew up believing in the power of the people to make change by casting ballots.

I have very strong opinions about who should be the next President, but this post isn't about my political beliefs. This is about what you believe and whether or not you'll take the time to let others know that you have a voice and an opinion. Will you stand up and have your vote counted? If you haven't already cast your ballot, please do. And if you need any further convincing about what a privilege it is to be able to vote or just how easy Americans have it when it comes to voting, watch Secret Ballot.

1 comment:

  1. I voted for Obama = ) until this time, I never WANTED to vote with the exception when All Gore was running, my your folks my folks are not activists but went to the local Elementary school to place their votes, was it Carter who said "it is UN-American to NOT question your government"? Having lived in three countries my political beliefs and view points changed.
