Thursday, July 24, 2008

My date(s) stood me up

The other night, Gboy and I had plans to go to dinner with approximately 8 other new parents. This dinner was organized through a social networking type website. And maybe this was the problem. Perhaps we expected too much of these virtual relationships and connections, because we were the ONLY ones who showed up. I've never been stood up by so many people all at once! And while a part of me sees the humor in this situation, and frankly Gboy and Peanut and I had a great time regardless, a part of me was really disappointed.

Your see we're not from this area originally and we're still working on building a support system and network of friends - particularly a network of people who are relatively new parents like we are. I would have thought that others might have the same goal in mind. After all, parenting isn't easy on a good day, but if you don't have support I think it's even harder. So I'm left wondering if we're really the only ones who don't have an extensive support network of other new parents? Or maybe we're just the only ones who are courtesy enough to show up where we say we'll be. I've noticed that's something of a problem around here - people over-commit or something and very often they don't show up for events that they said they'd be attending. For all I know this was a problem when we lived back on the East Coast, but the way I remember it was that people there would just say "No I can't make it" rather than pretending they'd try.

Regardless of why it happened, it leaves me a little disappointed since I'm feeling a little lonely on some days. Luckily we do have one parent group that we joined which seems to be pretty reliable. The same members show up week after week and for that I'm grateful. Because without it, without them, I'm not sure where we'd be.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is so rude. You're more understanding than I would be.

    I notice you're moving to Japan--do you read Deb at Etc., Etc, Etc.? She's an American living and raising her kids in Nagasaki.
